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FREE Pdf Brochures to Pass Out


Effects and Promises of the Hours of the Passion

effects and promises of the Hours of the Passion Luisa Piccarreta

Share a brochure about quotes by Jesus from the Book of Heaven regarding promises for people who pray the Hours of the Passion, as well as the impact these prayers have on the world.

The Book of Heaven Brochure

Share a brochure about The Book of Heaven. It explains briefly about who wrote the book and why it was written. It also includes a quote from Volume 11.

Saint Hannibal di Francia

free brochure of saint hannibal di francia - who is saint hannibal

Share a brochure about who Saint Hannibal is and his important connection to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and the spread of the Divine Will.

Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

free brochure - who is Luisa Piccarreta Divine Will

Share a brochure about who Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is and quotes about what is unique regarding Living in the Divine Will.